Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Why politeness?

Manytimes we ask ourself, why politeness? But the simple answer is why not. Being the supreme creation of God, we cannot be barbaric, uncivilized & stumbling block for politeness. If we can really become polite, definitely it will pay. Politeness comes under the human code of conduct, which is highly applicable to each & every individual irrespective of their status, qualification, position, post, caste, creed & religion. Nobody likes a person, who is rude & not polite & above all it is not a big deal to become polite; it is only our ego which obstructs our behaviour to be polite.
It has been observed that the rude people end up with high end frustration & extreme unhappiness. But at the otherhand polite people live life kingsize, full of satisfaction & contentment. Rude behaviour not only harm the person concerned but ruin the environment, society & the organization. In professional front, in present world, nobody likes to hire a non-polite, uncivilized person, whatever qualification he has or how much intelligency he acquired.
In today’s world, rude behaviour can be highly costly, particularly in consumer facing industries. The growing retail arena, business process oursourcing with technology interface & the hospitality industries need modestly polite people to become asset of the organization, to be very specific. But equally in other arenas also, polite people are highly encouraged. Different studies also show that rudeness causes internal loss, productivity drop, increase in stress, confusion & above all a miserable personal life.
So let us come back after this introspection & find why not be polite. Hence be polite & try yourself to escape from rudeness & find how happy you are compare to the time when you become more rude forgetting all code & conducts of humanity. Politeness is such a tool that it can heal many unpleasant situations & environments, what even we cannot think. Hence be polite & reap the fruits of happiness & contentment in personal & professional life.


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