Monday, March 10, 2025

Towards growth of tourism

State government might know Tourism industry is one of the world’s largest fast growing industries that can generate lot of employment and revenue. But for that purpose, Tourism industry requires tourism experts as well as tourism professionals. As per expert research tourism industry is going to overtake Oil Industry in the field of employment and revenue generation.
But Arunachal Pradesh is still far behind in spite of getting huge amount from central government to develop Tourism sector in the state. Preparing of costly brochures, marketing of state as a tourist hot spot in internet, recruiting staffs in tourism department to fulfill political promises and preparing project to draw huge amount from the central government is not sufficient for the development of tourism sector in the state. If we properly prepare and implement tourism policy, tourism industry alone can make the state as a prosperous economically independent state. Therefore, as a concerned citizen I put forward few tips for state government for their consideration for the development of Tourism Industry in the state.
Recruitment of Tourism Graduate and Post Graduate to the Post of TIO & DTO, recruitment of District Tourism Officer (DTO) through APPSE, introduction of private Public partnership and setting up of Arunachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation are some issues that need to be looked into.
The Hotels including Tourist lodges should be provided proper minimum requisite guidelines for quality service.
Tour operator, travel Agency, Hotelier, Restaurants, Resorts, etc. should prefer local tourism professional while recruiting staffs.
Introduction of Tourism as a one of the compulsory subjects in every educational institutions, creating awareness on importance of tourism industry at villages, coordination between forest department and Tourism department of the state, especially for the development of Eco-tourism should be other initiatives.


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