Sunday, March 9, 2025

Oh! The gentle thieves

With the changing times, everything tends to change sooner or later, irrespective of good-bad, ethical-unethical, natural-unnatural & right or wrong. In this modern metamorphed age, even thieves have under gone complete change with high-tech aids & negative intelligences. Some of them have become high profile gentle thieves to rob high-end products.
They are smartly dressed, talk fluent English have all ingredient of a gentle posh urban attractive look & equipped with all sorts of modern age sophisticated accessories to prove them rich for royal. They come in trendy four-wheelers to make you completely illusive of their real status & position. Their target is usually electronic marts, computer shops jewellery enclaves & wrist watch showrooms.
In most of the cases they come as couples, ask the keepers variety of questions regarding the products, enquire about the guarantee, warrantee & other details in a most humble & gentle way. Last year in the same manner, one couple robbed a jewellery shop in Delhi. They came with much fun & fare, asked regarding different varieties of jewellery & the lady while checking the ornament stealed it innocently avoiding the attention of the salesman.
Before couple of days a duo, nicely dressed in formal, entered an up market electronic appliances store in Ahemadabad, enquired about different model & configuration of laptops and left the shop with three laptops without paying for them stealing the attention of the keeper. So be aware of these gentle thieves and be more vigilant to pin point the so called urban stealers, who can embark anytime in your shop, mart, enclave, mall at any point of time with much illusion & high profile.


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