Monday, March 10, 2025

Importance of culture and tourism

India is a land of varied culture, religions and people and the social structure of the country and religious beliefs of the people attract the tourists from all over the world.
Culture has always been a major attraction of the tourists. Like the other tribal culture, the Tagin culture also has been playing very importance role in the progress and prosperity of the society. Tagin people have their own way of life which is highly being appreciated by the tourists. Since time immemorial Tagin community is known for its straight forwardness, truthfulness, courageous and highly hospitable nature. Their way of welcoming the guests by serving them Opo (rice beer), foods and meat speak volume of their respect to the guests.
Traditional dresses of Tagin like “Tase Rame” and “Lakbung” are very attractive and wonderful items for tourists. In present day, these dresses are used for presenting gift to the chief guest and guest of honour of Si-Donyi Festival in Tagin. The arts and crafts of Tagin add the richness of its culture which can also equally be applied in tourism development of the state. Cultural programmes of Tagin play an important role in tourism development at all level in Arunachal Pradesh.
Traditional and cultural dances of Tagin like Si-Ome, Achi Riabu, Ani Chune, Takar Gane, etc. are also very popular in Arunachal Pradesh. The folk dance and folk song of Tagin are as much important as the folk songs and dances of other tribes of the country.
The department concerned may take step for special cultural heritage package for tourists to help them explore the rich culture of the Tagin community which will ultimately promote tourism in Arunachal Pradesh. The delicious food being cooked in Bamboo may be offered to tourist as special cuisine. Such preparation of food items is very rare in Arunachal Pradesh and this may also attract large number of tourists in festive occasion.
The Si-Donyi festival of Tagin on 3rd-6th January every year attracts large number of tourist in Arunachal Pradesh. The date and month of Tagin Festival is very appropriate and suitable to every visitor because it falls in the month of January which is the best time for tourist to enjoy their winter holiday.
The Tagin festival has a high degree of importance because this occasion simultaneously serves the purpose of three main important events; i.e. adieu to the elapsing year, welcome to the New Year and observation of the festival itself.
Tourist can gather many new information and experience from Tagin culture. There are many hidden knowledge in Tagin mythology. So far no one has tried to work out the mysterious information found in the Tagin Si-Donyi mythology. So this can be point of attraction for tourist in Tagin area.
I appeal to the Arunachal Pradesh Govt especially department of Tourism make proper policy and programme for the promotion of Tagin culture and also give due importance to Tagin area for development of cultural tourism.
Last but not least I also request our Tagin people, know your culture and preserve it.

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