Monday, March 10, 2025

Death of yet another whistleblower

India was shocked at the brutal murder of Yeshwant Sonawane, an additional district collector in Maharashtra. It is a shameful reminder of the impunity enjoyed by hardcore criminals and India’s failure to protect its rare whistleblowers.
Sonawane was doused in kerosene and set alight by small-time mobsters from a criminal syndicate, of the kind that has formed around the kerosene-adulteration trade.
For the oil mafia to believe it can act with such impunity shows the state has cynically turned away from implementing its own regulations.
Close to 40% of subsidised kerosene doesn’t reach the intended beneficiaries. Due to ineffective implementation of laws, there is blatant lawbreaking.
The profits available to adulteration gangs petrol is near ` 60 a litre, and the kerosene with which it is adulterated ` 12 a litre.
There is no policy intervention that will make this problem go away permanently.
Petrol will continue to be adulterated and kerosene will continue to be scarce.
With nothing to check such irregularities, this won’t be the last time a whistle blower will be killed.
In 2005, S. Manjunath, a sales executive of the Indian Oil Corporation, was murdered when he tried to clamp down on illegal petrol pumps in UP.
Somewhere, an effort has to be made. Sooner the better.


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