The local media recently reported that Union Tourism Ministry has sanctioned Rs.49, 76, 59,906 for development of Bhalukpong – Bomdila – Tawang tourist circuit under North East theme of Swadesh Darshan. The proposal includes infrastructure development in one of the busiest tourist circuit of the state. Besides, way side amenities for tourists and cafeterias, eco log huts, trekking trail etc. will be built all along the Bhalukpong -Bomdila – Tawang tourist circuit under the programme. Even though the news brings joy to the people of state, it also pops up some questions.
First of all everyone will be praying that money is not wasted and project is properly implemented. Many tourism projects have bitterly failed in the state. It has not helped anyway in attracting more tourists. Secondly the question also rises over too much concentration on Bhalukpong-Tawang section. Successive state government has given over emphasis on Bhalukpong-Tawang tourist circuit. There are amazingly beautiful tourist attractions in eastern Arunachal. Also the Trans-Arunachal highway work has better success rate in the eastern belt. This has helped to dramatically improve the road network in the region. Besides there are several other places in the state which can be developed as tourist destination. Its time government looks beyond Bhalukpong-Tawang section.