Infinix has launched another new variant of its recently launched Hot 20 5G. In the new variant, the company has launched 6GB RAM and 128GB storage model. Earlier at the time of launch, the phone was introduced with only 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. The price of which was kept at Rs 11,999. There has been no change in the new Infinix Hot 20 5G in terms of specifications and features. Only its RAM and storage has been introduced by increasing, after which the price of the phone has also increased. We are giving you its complete information here.
Infinix Hot 20 5G (6GB+128GB) price, availability
Infinix Hot 20 5G 4 GB RAM and 64 GB storage variant of last month for Rs 11,999 launch it was done. Whereas now the new 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant has been listed for Rs 13,499. Its sale has been said to start from 15 January i.e. tomorrow. to the phone Flipkart Listed on. Along with this, the company has also given an offer for Citi and ICICI Bank card holders, under which the customer will be given a discount of 10% on the purchase of this smartphone.
Specifications of Infinix Hot 20 5G (6GB+128GB)
The Infinix Hot 20 5G features a 6.6-inch IPS display, which is an LCD panel. Waterdrop notch design has been given in it. The phone has FHD+ resolution, 120Hz refresh rate and 240Hz touch sampling rate. The phone runs on Android 12 based OS XOS 10 6.0 UI. The company has used Dimensity 810 chipset in it, with which 6 GB RAM has been paired. The phone comes with 128 GB memory for storage.
Talking about the camera department, it has a 50-megapixel main camera and a secondary camera has been given as a depth sensor. There is also a dual LED flash as well. For photography, it comes with short video mode, super nightscape, portrait mode and eye tracking. For selfie, there is an 8-megapixel camera in the front with LED flash.
Infinix Hot 20 5G has been given 5000mAh battery capacity, along with which there is also support for 18W fast charging. USB Type C has been supported in it for charging. The company says that the phone can give a backup of up to 3 days in a single charge. Apart from this, it also supports 5 GB virtual RAM. The device has support for 12 5G bands, dual speakers and a 3.5mm headphone jack.